2016. szeptember 18., vasárnap

Overview of the period from 5th of September to 16th of September  

I’m going to give you a little overview of the first 2 weeks of kindergarten.
Lots of changes have been happening in our kindergarten. We moved to another flat where we have a huge, beautiful and light room. The class has two new teachers, Kata and Nori and Laura is the assistant teacher. We will introduce ourselves on the 19th of September at the parents’ meeting.
September is the month of introduction and re-introduction period for the children. They have met their friends again and also made some new friends. They have been getting used to their new environment. New place, new people, new children. This is a lot to take in for a child.
In the first 2 weeks of the new school year we have been getting the children familiar with the classroom, with the toys in the different areas of the classroom (Practical, Sensory, Mathematics, Language, Science), with the classroom rules, the daily routine and the self care tasks. The children have chosen toys from the Practical and Sensory areas this week.
This will continue all through September and in the following months. We continuously pay attention to all the above mentioned issues and tasks but they get a huge emphasis at the very beginning of each school year.
During Circle Time we have been learning the rules and the routine of this special activity of the day. We have been singing some old songs we all know and have learnt some new ones. We did rhythmic activities, read stories and played games.
The Fit Kid gym class has started last week. The kids will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will have a 40 min. long gym class.
Our topic based kindergarten teaching program is starting at the beginning of October.